Dr. Jon Kiev – Specializing in Cardiothoracic Surgery


Cardiothoracic surgeons perform a range of procedures including heart valve replacements, coronary bypass surgery and heart transplants. A Cardiothoracic Surgeon is a surgeon who specializes in the surgical treatment of both noncancerous and cancerous conditions of the heart and lungs. The cardiothoracic surgeon like Dr. Jon Kiev is also responsible for managing the surgical needs of patients with congenital diseases such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS).

A cardiothoracic surgeon is a specialist who performs surgeries to treat conditions of the heart and lungs. Patients may suffer from heart diseases, lung diseases or congenital defects, among others. These surgeons usually work in hospitals with cardiac ORs (operating rooms), hence the name cardiothoracic surgeon. They are often called on to perform difficult surgeries under intense pressure and with little margin for error. They also must have good communication skills in order to explain their treatment plans to patients and colleagues alike.

Performing Surgery to Patients with Cardiothoracic Problems

They help people suffering from congenital heart disease, cancer, and congenital heart defects live full lives. They work closely with pediatric cardiologists and surgeons to treat children, adolescents, and adults with a wide range of problems involving the heart, lungs, and other parts of the chest cavity.
They are cardiothoracic surgeons and they take great pride in making sure that every single person who comes to see them leaves feeling happy, healthy and confident in their new look.

Do they or their patients want to be the first to get a product that is designed around the needs of surgeons and all other specialists who perform invasive cardiothoracic surgery? Is it time for your hospital’s team to have a customized product, built specifically for them?

An Dr. Jon Kiev adult cardiothoracic surgeon is a Surgical specialist with advanced training in cardiac and thoracic surgery. They are primarily responsible for performing intricate operations on the heart, lungs and chest cavity. They also provide consultation for patients with complex heart problems and can also perform other operations within their specialty such as valve repair/replacement and lung surgery procedures.