How To Hire A Sales Planning Manager Like Cheikh Mboup For Your Business


Hiring a sales planning manager for your business can seem like a daunting task. If you already have a sales team in place, the first thing to do is start looking for someone who will fit into the existing structure.

However, if you’re still trying to figure out who the right candidate is for hiring, it’s important to understand what a good match should look like.

Decide What Kind Of Sales Manager You Need

Sales managers come in all shapes and sizes. Cheikh Mboup Some will be focused on building relationships with customers, while others will be more analytical and data-driven. Some will have experience managing other salespeople, while others may not have any experience leading a team at all.

You should decide what kind of manager would best complement your company culture and help you achieve your goals.

Advertise Open Positions Appropriately

When posting an advertisement for any open position, make sure that it clearly states what type of person you are looking for to attract candidates who are qualified for the job. For example, if you need someone with extensive experience in sales planning like Cheikh Mboup, then make sure that this is mentioned in your advertisement.

You should also include any other requirements or preferences that will help filter out applicants who don’t meet your criteria by mentioning them as well.

Use The Interview Process To Test Skills And Knowledge

The best way to learn about someone’s qualifications is by asking them questions — lots of them! Make sure you understand what they believe are their strengths and weaknesses, so you can see if they align with yours. You want someone who knows how to work with people and sell ideas.

Ask about past experiences working with teams, and how they were able to motivate people without micromanaging them or stifling creativity. Ask about what kind of management style would suit them best based on their personality type — some people thrive under pressure while others need more space.

Test Candidate’s Skills Realistically

A good way to test candidates’ skills is by giving them a role-playing exercise. You might ask them to discuss an issue with an employee or another manager. You can also ask them about past successes or failures that relate to what they’ll be doing as a sales planning manager so you can get an idea of how they handle pressure situations.